Privat Natur
Exhibition and book, 2023

In Private Nature, Jens Assur explores the relation between Man and nature. The exhibition will be shown from October 6 to January 7, 2024, at Liljevalchs in Stockholm.

Assur puts himself and his own family at the center of the search for the answer to big and existential questions: how nature challenges us and how it is in turn challenged from many different directions. It is about the magnificence of nature and our own smallness, our abilities, and shortcomings. What happens to us when we live far from the natural elements, and when we begin to approach them again?

This project encompasses deep existential questions, but also burning contemporary issues of privatization, the right of public access, and exploitation in the wake of wilderness tourism.

In conjunction with the exhibition, the book Privat Natur is also published by Norstedts in collaboration with Liljevalchs. The book contains some 220 images, selected by Assur from the pictures he has been taken during the project's seven-year journey, and essays in which various writers tackle the subject.